Still Point Zen Buddhist Temple

Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community unified by our
trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the
suffering of addiction. We believe that recovery means empowerment, and
we support each other, as partners, walking the path of recovery together.
Our program uses the Buddhist practices and principles of meditation, self-
inquiry, wisdom, compassion and community as tools for recovery and
healing. Recovery Dharma welcomes anyone who is looking to heal from
addiction and addictive behavior, whether it’s caused by substance use or
process addictions like codependency, gambling, eating disorders,
relationships, technology, or any obsessive or habitual pattern that creates
suffering. Meetings are open to anyone interested in recovery from any kind
“All beings have the power and potential to free themselves from suffering.”
RD Meetings @ Still Point
Thursday Evenings @ 7:00pm
For other meetings in Metro Detroit and surrounding area go to
Recovery Dharma.org and use the Meetings tab.
Questions/information: Recoverydharmami@gmail.com